CiM Science Explorers For in Him all things were created. Col 1:16 Creationists in the Making Untitled Header Image Untitled Header Image

Class Registration

2023-2024 Class Schedule

8:30-10:30 11:00-1:00
Child Care 8:30
Child Care 8:30 2023
Nursery - Kindergarten ; 1 y/o - 5 y/o
Child Care 11:00
Child Care 11:00 2023
Nursery - Kindergarten ; 0 y/o - 5 y/o
First and Second Grade 8:30
First and Second 8:30 2023
1st - 2nd
Tracy Jacobs
First and Second Grade 11:00
First and Second 11:00 2023
1st - 2nd
Tracy Jacobs
Third and Fourth Grade 8:30
Third and Fourth 8:30 2023
3rd - 4th
Third and Fourth Grade 11:00
Third and Fourth 11:00 2023
3rd - 4th
Fifth and Sixth Grade 8:30
Fifth and Sixth 8:30 2023
5th - 6th
Fifth and Sixth Grade 11:00
Fifth and Sixth 11:00 2023
5th - 6th
General Science
General Science 2023
Kelly Carpenter, Lara Harris
Physical Science
Physical Science 2023
Jeff Sears
Biology 2023
Jeanne Sears
Advanced Biology
Advanced Biology 2023
Jeanne Sears
Study Hall 8:30
Study Hall 8:30 2023
1st - 12th ; 6 y/o - 18 y/o
Study Hall 11:00
Study Hall 11:00 2023
1st - 12th ; 6 y/o - 18 y/o


1:30-3:30 8:30-10:30 11:00-1:00
Child Care 8:30
Child Care 8:30 2024
Child Care 11:00
Child Care 11:00 2024
PK/Kindergarten 8:30
PK/Kindergarten 8:30 2024
Shannen Roscoe
PK/Kindergarten 11:00
PK/Kindergarten 11:00 2024
First and Second Grade 8:30
First and Second 8:30 2024
Tracy Jacobs
First and Second Grade 11:00
First and Second 11:00 2024
Tracy Jacobs
Third and Fourth Grade 8:30
Third and Fourth 8:30 2024
Third and Fourth Grade 11:00
Third and Fourth Grade 11:00 2024
Fifth and Sixth Grade 8:30
Fifth and Sixth 8:30 2024
Fifth and Sixth Grade 11:00
Fifth and Sixth 11:00 2024
General Science
General Science 2024
Kelly Carpenter
Physical Science
Physical Science 2024
Jeff Sears
Biology 2024
Jeanne Sears
Chemistry 2024
Brooke Anglin
Advanced Biology
Advanced Biology 2024
Jeanne Sears
Marine Biology
Marine Biology 2024
Tracy Jacobs
Study Hall 8:30
Study Hall 8:30 2024
Study Hall 11:00
Study Hall 11:00 2024